
For Seychellois

All non-biometric passports will be phased out by 2027!

Renewal of Seychelles passport and obtain a new Seychelles biometric passport:

There are 2 options:

  • In the event, you can come to Paris, you will need to contact Mr. Francoise Galmier gfrancoise@immigration.gov.sc, who shell guide you and once verification is completed, the immigration will designate your Enrolment Station (France - Paris, England - London, UAE - Abu Dhabi) and you can proceed with the registration.
  • In the event, you encounter difficulties to report physically to Paris, you will also need to contact Mr. Francoise Galmier gfrancoise@immigration.gov.sc and you will be proposed the manual extension option, whereby you will have to send your expired non-biometric passport directly to Seychelles through a relative/family, who shall do the necessary with the Immigration Office and send it back to you. Your passport will be extended for another 3 years, but during this time, you should be encouraged to get your new biometric passport as by 2027 all non-biometric passport will be phased out.

To note that Seychellois citizens with expired Passports who wish to go to Seychelles still have recourse to an Emergency Travel Document (ETD) issued by Seychelles’ Diplomatic and Consular Missions.


The Diaspora Unit was established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism of the Republic of Seychelles in July 2021 to promote the interest of the Seychellois nationals abroad, engage and interact with them by facilitating their queries and provide the necessary guidance in connecting further with Seychelles.

Registration of Seychellois nationals abroad: https://mfa.gov.sc/diaspora/
Diaspora Consultation Survey: https://iom.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6D6rq1ZB9sWFJgq

Hotline: (+248) 272 7077, E-mail: diaspora@mfa.gov.sc, Facebook: diasporamfatsey

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